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Summary: Good Day I have just analyzed for the current search visibility and saw that your website could use a push. We will increase . . .


> ----
> Good Day
> I have just analyzed for the current search visibility and saw that your website could use a push.
> We will increase your SEO metrics and ranks organically and safely, using only whitehat methods, while providing monthly reports and outstanding support.
> Please check our services below, we offer SEO at cheap rates.
> Start improving your sales and leads with us, today!
> regards
> Mike Brickman
> Hilkom Digital Team
> -- [ Anonymous] 2021-07-24 12:46 UTC

File:ProgArm Arm small.JPG
ProgArm is a wearable electronic army swiss knife. It is based on ARM microcontroller and has Bluetooth to connect with computers and mobile phones. ProgArm also has some basic sensors such as accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, atmospheric pressure sensor, pulse sensor. It is also very extensible, you can add as many hardware and software features as you want.

Basic ProgArm configuration consists of a small PCB, a battery and a ring.

The ring is 3D-printed. In the simplest form it has two buttons and a powerful RGB LED. By pressing the buttons with a thumb in different combinations, one can input various commands. RGB LED can be used as a notification light and also as a flashlight.

The list of existing and proposed functions and information about clients for different gadgets can be found on Devices page.

Please also see the list of our Goals.

Documentation for Users

Documentation for Developers




Je dirige l’équipe de l’agence Web Aurone depuis 2007 avec une équipe de 15 personnes et nous aidons nos clients de France, Suisse, Belgique et du Canada à libérer leur potentiel grâce à des solutions web d’excellence.

Vous voulez propulser votre site web parmi les étoiles du web ? Que ce soit développement, référencement naturel, maintenance, e-commerce, nous maîtrisons tout le cycle de production d’un site web.

Vous pouvez me contacter sur ou par notre site web ou par téléphone : +33 9 72 55 29 21

Mehdi Koundi
Fondateur et CEO

-- Mehdi Koundi 2021-07-07 09:49 UTC


I have just took a look on your SEO for for its SEO ranks and saw that your website could use a push.

We will enhance your Ranks organically and safely, using only whitehat methods,

If interested, please email us

Mike Galbraith

SEO X Press Digital Agency

-- SEO X Press Digital Agency 2021-07-09 19:21 UTC


Je m'appelle Paul de Pixel Digital. Nous sommes spécialisés dans la création de sites web.
L’Etat a mis en place un chèque numérique pour aider les entreprises à se digitaliser. Pixel Digital est éligible à cette aide.
Vous pouvez donc créer votre site internet pour 0€ jusqu’au 31 Juillet.
De plus nous nous occupons de toutes les démarches administratives pour que vous bénéficiez de votre site internet GRATUITEMENT.
Pour profiter de l’offre, rendez-vous ici:
Belle journée,
Bien cordialement,
Paul - Pixel Digital

-- Paul Pixel Digital 2021-07-13 01:43 UTC

Good Day

I have just analyzed for the current search visibility and saw that your website could use a push.

We will increase your SEO metrics and ranks organically and safely, using only whitehat methods, while providing monthly reports and outstanding support.

Please check our services below, we offer SEO at cheap rates.

Start improving your sales and leads with us, today!

Mike Brickman

Hilkom Digital Team

-- Anonymous 2021-07-24 12:46 UTC